Archives for E. Pratt Whitney

THELAWNET | Legal Research • One Click & Done

Matthew Wolf, a captain in the Army Reserve, sued Nissan over a disputed refund arising from a leased car he turned in when he was deployed to Afghanistan. But because of an arbitration clause in his lease, the lawsuit was dismissed, and his dispute was sent to arbitration. See, Failed by Law and Courts, Troops Come Home to Repossessions. (New York Times)

Which is weird, because when it comes to the military, the controlling law, in relevant part, says: “[N]o agreement to arbitrate any dispute involving the extension of consumer credit shall be enforceable.” 10 U.S.C. § 987; 32 CFR § 232.9

Check out this week’s legal research tutorial to see how easy it is to see what the courts have to say about this, regardless of whether you use Lexis, Westlaw or some other service.

THELAWNET | Legal Research • Intuitive Interface
In this video, Mark Whitney gives you a tour of a legal research interface that is so simple, you look at it and you immediately know how to use it!