Our goal is to ensure you never have to run to the law library for electronically available secondary resources. As the nation’s leading provider of legal research services for the entrepreneurial online law office, TheLaw.net Corporation has access to vast resources.
As our subscriber you have unlimited access to TheLaw.net Virtual Assistant. If you need an ALR, law review or law journal that we don’t have directly available, we will find it and email it to you – for free!
If you are not getting the result set you want, we will give you the best query. If you want a second opinion as to the precedential value of any citation for any reason, we will give it to you.
In short, if you can’t find it or you’re not sure – for any reason – we will jump and do our part as your research partner.
By default, Virtual Assistant promises to solve your problem overnight next business day and deliver the results to your Inbox. We have more than a decade of experience that teaches us this more than sufficient for 90% of the requests we receive. If you occasionally fall among the 10% who need faster service, just tell us and we’ll put you at the top of the list.
TheLaw.net Virtual Assistant provides you with indirect access to the vast subscriptions of TheLaw.net Corporation as well as the skills possessed by our human assets when it comes to trolling the public Internet for items of information that are not available in any paid service.
We are thrilled to be able to leverage these resources on your behalf!